EXCLUSIVE: Urban Outfitters features black model in chains in new advertisement

Chain advertisement features black model

 By Robert “Rob Redding Jr.

Editor & Publisher

NEW YORK March 16, 2023 8:30 p.m. - Urban Outfitters (URBN) , a retail store for Gen-Z, today ran a black model in a chained T- shirt and pants in its latest marketing campaign.

The popular retailer touted the Ragged Priest items in a “psst…sooo much new stuff JUST dropped” email to shoppers.

Blacks have a long history of being chained in the hulls of ships in the Middle Passage from Africa to America.

The art also is similar to artwork by at least one black artist in the 1970 and 1980s but does not appear to be credited in the campaign.

The retailer could not be contacted at press time for comment.